Over 20 people went to the village of Basotu to do a spiritual survey of the area. After interviewing over 100 people and recording their answers, it was determined and we are burdened that a Bible-believing church is needed in this area. Please pray for this new area and ministry.
On the second day of the conference over 20 people went to the village of Garawja to dedicate a new water well and present the gospel. Over 200 people heard about the "everlasting water" of Jesus Christ.
Each evening we had services with singing, preaching, and a missions video. Our theme was "The Harvest is Great, but the Laborers are Few." God worked in many people's hearts about giving and going for the harvest of souls. Pray for a young man named Christopher who surrendered to the ministry during the missions conference. (He is pictured above wearing green, with our assistant pastor and missionaries.) Our two church missionaries, Daniel Lekunga and John Naftari, did an excellent job presenting their burdens and ministries. Our church people had them in their homes for meals, gave a love offering, and they were each given a goat in appreciation.
On the second day of the conference over 20 people went to the village of Garawja to dedicate a new water well and present the gospel. Over 200 people heard about the "everlasting water" of Jesus Christ.
Each evening we had services with singing, preaching, and a missions video. Our theme was "The Harvest is Great, but the Laborers are Few." God worked in many people's hearts about giving and going for the harvest of souls. Pray for a young man named Christopher who surrendered to the ministry during the missions conference. (He is pictured above wearing green, with our assistant pastor and missionaries.) Our two church missionaries, Daniel Lekunga and John Naftari, did an excellent job presenting their burdens and ministries. Our church people had them in their homes for meals, gave a love offering, and they were each given a goat in appreciation.
After the three day conference was over, we took our missionary John Naftari home to his ministry in Bariadi. We also took 3 Bible Institute students and assistant pastor Eliya. These young men did an excellent job sharing testimonies, witnessing, and teaching. We were able to help our missionary John start a new church plant under a tree in a nearby village. We thank the Lord for the 27 souls who accepted Christ during our time there.
Wow! What exciting news and thrilling ministry. We are so happy for God’s blessing on your part of the field. Effective prayer, church planting, evangelism, ministry commitments, worship, preaching, gift giving…wow! Thanks for the update and the pictures. Our God is faithful and your report encourages others. Praise our Lord and Savior!
so awesome as always!! i love to read your updates. i was behind quite a bit i guess though! i withdrew from nursing and we are finally, after 8yrs, going to be able to work for our church!!! i'm SOOO excited!! God is good. just how everything has worked out, it's amazing. i am in awe. i just quit my job in june and am starting for the church now. jeremy will hopefully start around in feb or so. pray for us if you think of it, that it all works out! tyler will be 6 in a few wks and going into 1st grade! time goes so fast!
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